トロント移民ライフ♪ FEEL TORONTO



Do you believe this? 信じられます?

My friend told me this. You will be shocked but, this is the Canadian way. When people turn 18, they are treated as responsible adults among the society. This means that even their parents legally have to respect their decision. I want to …


今日は、久しぶりにDesign Centreへ行った。何だか行く度に気が変わり、タイルなど重たいので、選んでいて、すっごく疲れてしまう。最後には、もう何でもいいとなってしまう。ほぼ決っているのだが、あと一歩が決らない。最後はビルダーのデザイナーの人が決…











hyper to hypo-

今日は朝からRadioactive後の定期健診でMt.Sinaiに行った。前回の6週間前は、未だほんの少しだが、Normal値よりHyper(亢進)気味だった私のthyroid hormone、どうやら、hypothyroid(低下)の域に達してしまったらしい。物心ついた時からHyperと付き合ってきた…


今日もとってもいいお天気だった。天気がいいと何をしても楽。動きやすい。またまた先週までの続きで、たくさんの洋服や置物や額縁2つ、ほとんど履かなかった私と娘の靴など、色々とドネーションしてきた。テレビのMake overの番組ではないが、娘は私のクロ…


Finally, spring(summer?) has come here. In these days, I am doing meditation when I feel tired. I lie on my bed with my palms facing the ceiling and relax, then I imagine the heat is on my right hand. The heat source is getting warmer and …


So it was Friday, I left the office early. We had a picnic on the balcony. We took out a foldaway table and camp chairs and then we had a supper outside. It was fun and we felt great.

thick or thin?

Most of Canadians have trouble with their hair. They think their hair is too thin. When I go to drugstores to get some hair cream or haircare products, lots of different brands say "Anti-flat", "Volumizing", "Thicken" or something like the…




I left the office early and went to the dentist. Today, my dentist just wanted to grind a bit of the backside of the bridge. I didn't get any freeze this time. Whoof!

My daughter’s language

At home, our conversation is in Japanese most of the time. My daughter sounded OK with her Japanese. However, sometimes she didn't answer me when I talk to her in Japanese. Then I tried to talk to her in English. she made a kind of quick r…


まずは"Value village"に服やおもちゃや雑貨などの寄付品を持って行った。カートから出す側から、それは何かしら、これはいいわねえと言ってきた女性。教会で必要としている人がいるからというので、どうぞどうぞと差し上げた。誰か、欲しい人に使ってもらえ…









Krazy Glue/瞬間接着剤、clean up

I got a lot of "KRAZY GLUE" on my fingers when I mended something. Oh my! How can I take it off? It hurts and looks bad! クレージー・グルーというのは、アロンアルファみたいな瞬間接着剤のこと。I only can gradually peel them off. Well well.そ…


今日、ブリーダーさんに電話をして、犬のことが分かったか聞いてみた。そうしたら、実はそのコは、もう売れてしまっていたとのこと。あちこちあたってみてはくれたのだが、結局一旦、振り出しに戻ってしまった。(starting over)色んな事情が重なっているので…


カナダの祝日はどこへ行っても閉まっている。金曜日のGood Fridayは当然、祝日だったのだが、今日までお休みが続いているとは、ちょっと予想外だった。クルマであちこち行ってみるも、どこも駐車場はガラガラで、クルマが何台も引き返していた。みんな考える…

about puppy, swept out/犬のこと、大片付け

I didn't mention it here, but it probably is going to take our puppy earlier than we expected due to some reasons. I called the dog breeder on Thursday, she told me she really had to arrange a puppy for her associate in Newfoundland. I don…

Easter Egg Hunt/イースター・エッグ・ハント

We went to a farm to let my daughter join the "Easter Egg Hunt". There was a barn with full of hay, and colorful plastic eggs were hiding everywhere. My daughter was a little older than the targeted children, but she enjoyed somehow. They …

President came, Studio-T

Today, we had a big guest who is a president of our vital client company. They are very big, worldwide company. It was a rare event for us, so we had prepared for showing our office. After a long time, I wore dark suits and black shoes. Th…

Never trust 3W

We will have a long weekend from Friday. But weather is very changeable here. It was fifteen to sixteen degrees in the end of March. Today, we have stormy wind and snow. I talked about this weather with Mr. R at the office. He told me that…

Spider-Man 3

We can meet our superhero Spider-Man at the theater soon. This time is going to be the third film and I think every time the actions are getting more gigantic and the stories are becoming more fascinating. I just can't wait.

got scared / 怖い

We often hear the fire alarm at apartment buildings, at hotels, at restaurants, at stores or everywhere in Canada. Most of the time, those are false alarms or maybe some smokes or something. Tonight, I didn't hear a alarm but I smelled of …

ugly house? nice house!

Yesterday, we went to see some townhouses which are built by the builder I go with. I checked their homepages and knew that they were supporsed to have similar buildings even in the different community. I thought I was going to ask about t…