トロント移民ライフ♪ FEEL TORONTO


got scared / 怖い

We often hear the fire alarm at apartment buildings, at hotels, at restaurants, at stores or everywhere in Canada. Most of the time, those are false alarms or maybe some smokes or something. Tonight, I didn't hear a alarm but I smelled of smoke. I first thought I forgot to turn off the pot, but it came from outside. And then, fire engines came while sounding screaming sirens. The fire fighters were shouting into a bullhorn at the next building. I couldn't catch what they said. Soon after, someone strongly knocked at the door. I always ignore, because I don't want to be involved in any problems. But this time, I thought it related to the fire, then I opened my door. 2 police officers were there, and one of them politely asked me if I knew the guy next-door. I was not sure about him. I saw one guy who lives with his wife, but he might moved out. I just didn't know. I told them so. After they left, I got scared.
