トロント移民ライフ♪ FEEL TORONTO







Customs Refund Centre



朝一番で、Canada Border Services Agency(CBSA)に電話をした。不服申し立ての方法は、2つ。Canada PostからCBSAに荷物を送り返してもらい、再審査をしてもらうか、一旦税金を支払って、CBSAに払い戻しの手続きを取るかである。CBSAのウエブサイトで調べる…


8月の終わりにAmazon.co.jpに注文していた本が届いていたので、CANADA POSTに取りに行った。本の合計は6236円。送料と合わせても、8936円。クレジット・カード決済で、87.48カナダドルを支払ってあった。めったにこんなことはないのだろうが、今回はCanada B…

コンド VS 家



今日はお友達のエリアのストリート・フェスティバルに呼ばれた。ストリート・フェスティバルというので、"Taste of Danforth"のような感じかな〜と想像して行ったが、その地域の人達でする本当に可愛いフェスティバルだった。大きな新しい家が立ち並んでおり…

clean windows

I and my daughter cleaned windows at our apartment. It was hard work but I felt very refreshed. Then I sent a gift to my mother in Japan. I chose one book and Yujiro Ishihara's CD.


I saw a documentary TV program about the Pacific War on History television last night. I couldn't imagin how they could shoot those films. This program was divided into 2 parts, I could watch only part2- "JAPAN'S WAR in Colour / Enduring t…

Family doctor

I went to see my family doctor this morning. My condition was no good. My doctor is very careful and takes enough time for each patient. I had to wait for more than 2 hours today, but I could take an annual check up, and blood test for my …

daughter’s wake-up time

My daughter and I had a big argument about her wake-up time. I have been having a hard time to wake her up. Even she goes to bed earlier, but she can't get up early. I am so tired of this thing.

at the office

So I work for a Japanese company, we often receive emails from Japan. Not only me, but also others, even they don't understand any Japanese language. Most of those emails are written in English and Japanese. But I feel funny when I see my …

took my daughter to dentist

It was hard for me to make a normal face because I felt sick. I felt too fast or too strong palpitation. However, I had to take my daughter to the dentist. I left the office at 4 o'clock and we went to there by TTC. The purpose of today's …

teeth whitening

I did a lot of laundry. Believe it or not, I used 4 washing machines at the same time. Then I watched Mary-kate and Ashley's movie "New York Minute" with my daughter at our supper time.And I started teeth whitening tonight. I got my whiten…

J-TOWN、Bamburgh Food Mart


Line of Credit

きのう銀行で申し込んだ"Line of Credit"が承認されたと電話があったので、お昼休みにサインをしに行ってきた。"Line of Credit"というのは融資枠のことで、この枠を持っておくと限度額まで何度でも目的を問わずに借りることができる。返済も最低ライン以上…

Montreal tragedy








Golden Mileへ

久しぶりにJ-TOWNで食糧の買出しをしようと出掛けたのだが、やはり風邪のせいで身体がだるい。なので途中でJ-TOWNはあきらめて、Golden Mile(ショッピング・モール)に行った。大きくてキレイと聞いていたが一度も行ったことがなかったので、いい機会だった。…

Vegetarian Food Fair

We went to the 22nd Annual Vegetarian Food Fair at Harbourfront centre. I had been looking forward to this event. We checked every booths and bought some stuff. I found a good cookbook at a booth of Toronto Vegetarian Association. There ar…

I feel sick

I feel sick in the morning. My face is swallen, and I have a sore throat. I was wondering, I would take a day off or I would go. I decided to go. This was the right decision. I got a lot of order today, and I could send several reports to …

remove brace, locked out

I had never stop moving today. I left my office at 12:15 to go to the dentist. First, I had a cleaning. Cleaning is always painful. But after that, the surface of the teeth are all smooth and it feels so good. Then I took 2 Advils to relie…

the last day of my ”brace”

I have a slight sore throat. I haven't get enough sleep these days. Oh well. My dentist called me today. I had an appointment for cleaning tomorrow, and bridge thing on the next week. But they wanted to change my schedule to do everything …

checked model room

My daughter went back to school. I had to go to work as usual. And I started over searching house. We went to the sales office for one of the new condominium to see their model room. It was so nice. The area is kind of quite, enough storag…

Trip to Ottawa Day3

This is the last day at Ottawa. We went to the Parliament building and joined the guide tour. We had to take a body check before entering the building. Inside was like a scene of movies. If the weather was fine, we could see the lit up "Pa…

Trip to Ottawa Day2

I woke up at around 8 o'clock and I and my daughter went down to the hotel restaurant. Continental breakfast is always good. But this morning, we had a reservation for a guide tour at "Royal Canadian Mint" at 9:15. I thought we could get t…


ユニオンステーションを朝7時45分発のVIAトレインでカナダのCAPITAL CITY、オタワに来た。電車で4時間半もかかるのだが、そんなに長いこと乗った感じはしなかった。いつものこと(らしい)で、電車は出発時間を遅れて出発したので、到着時刻も予定よりだいぶ…


朝一番で、Sales repに電話を入れ、今回はあきらめることにする旨、連絡する。トラブルになるとイヤなのでTarionの件には触れず、明日から3日間は旅行もあって、契約するならもう少しリサーチしたいが、時間がないので、他に待ってもらっている人がいるなら…