トロント移民ライフ♪ FEEL TORONTO




このところ特別に用事がない限り、昼休みはずっとミニチュア・ダックス探しをしている。ペット・ショップではめったに見かけず、いても値段も高いので、ブリーダーさんから譲ってもらおうと思っている。私達のDream Dogは、レッドのミニチュア・ダックスで、…




朝、家のすぐ近くで火事。学校の駐車場の方への道もパトカーで塞がれていた。被害があったのは一戸建ての家だが、屋根が焼けて抜けてしまっていた。家の人は大丈夫だったのだろうか。夜はテレビで"エリン ブロコビッチ"を見た。この映画は日本で映画館で見て…



Scarborough Town Centre

Today, we went to the "Scarborough Town Centre" for shopping. I bought my daughter's socks, underwear and my socks at "Sears" and my underwear at "Bay". Then we checked small animals at PJ. And we bought some different kinds of cereal at "…

these days weather

It has been cold this week. Today, it was only -9C or -10C, yesterday or the day before, it was -17C even during the daytime. However, so it was not windy, we were OK with this weather. And finally we have snow at the Northern part of Onta…

a bad-tempered woman 不機嫌な人

There are some strange people here, I mean in the building I live. It was happened when I and my daughter were in the eleveter in this morning. It stopped at some floor on the way to the basement, but I couldn't see anyone at the waiting a…

Blogs in English 英語でブログ

It is getting populer to keep one's blog in English among English-learners in Japan or, Japanese living overseas like me(?). I found that some correction services for blogs on the Internet. The system is that their members can send/upload …

electric code

I brought a rice cooker and a transformer from Japan and I have been using it almost everyday. But the other day, I found that the electric code of the transformer was melted and sticked on the toaster oven. It was awfully mealted. I could…

”Jane Eyre”

I've been really sleepy today. My co-worker asked me "Are you sick?". I was sleepy but I was fine. Recently, I go to bed early like a kid. Because my body needs more rest to recover from thyroid problem. However yesterday, I watched TV pro…

new hair do

I cut my hair about 2 inches by myself. While I was doing, my daughter came to me and she offered to be an assistant for me. After mine was finished, my daughter asked me to cut her hair. I cut hers and we liked our new looks. What a peace…








あまり痩せてもいけないと、今日はバッフェに行った。山盛り食べたので、少しは体重が増えたかな?今日私たちが行ったのはここ。 インペリアル・バッフェ: http://www.imperialbuffet.com/





”Panic Room”

外はうっすら雪が降っているようだ。私の体調が戻らないので、最近遊びに出かけていない。なのでその分、娘は喜んでバルコニーで雪遊びをしていた。昨日は図書館で借りてきた"Panic Room"を見た。5年位前の映画だが、見ていなかったのと、シングルマザーが娘…

leaden feet

I have leaden feet from this morning. I have read someone's hospital diary on the web. It says he had experienced that his leg muscles got cramp many times after radioactive treatment. I am so scard. Maybe, I've been in the bed too long ti…

Xmas or X’mas

I didn't know this thing. But when we use a shorthand for Christmas, X'mas is wrong way and Xmas is the right thing. We use the letter 'X' as the 'Christ', we don't need to put an apostrophe between X and m. One of my friend, actually, she…


I almost recover from my cold. But my chest feels tight. I have a palpitation and my hands and legs are shivering.


I had a splitting headache and I felt like throwing up and headache on the way home. I felt better after I got home and relaxed.

in bad shape

I feel terrible. I am suffering from the symptoms of hyperthyroid. I feel a pounding, shivering my hands and feet. I don't blame the radioactive. But I have a cold and slight fever and bad cough and chest pain. And I get a period too. And …

Radioactive iodine

So I still have a bad cold, I made a phone call to the hospital before going. They said I could take a treatment even I was feverish and the medicine won't last long. I had to go to the hospital, nuclear medicine department and I had that …



Hansel & Gretel



今はすっかり治っているものの、娘も風邪を引いていたし、会社でも風邪を引いている人がいるので、私にもうつった様だ。喉が痛くて少し熱っぽい。私が風邪を引くと、なかなか治らないことが多いので、厄介である。余り悪化しないといいのだが。 今日の朝はし…


8日(月)にアイソトープを受ける為、12月30日からクスリをやめている。その影響が2〜3日前から出ていて徐々にしんどくなってきた。もう少し、あと明日と月曜日の午前中だけ仕事がんばろう。 写真は通勤途中の風景シリーズ。こうやって見ると全然、車…



