トロント移民ライフ♪ FEEL TORONTO



appointment w/ specialist, Trick-or-treating

I had a message from clinic secretary. She called me at office today. I could get an appointment with specialist. It was September 30th, my family doctor told me that I had to see the specialist. It has been one month. My condition is not …

Where grade permits

I was told that my unit has a door to garage. However, the document says "Including: Door to Garage (where grade permits)". If there is not this door, I have to get out of the garage and go entrance to enter the house. Even my unit has doo…

freehold / leasehold

I went to a library today. Some of the libraries are open on Sundays. I took out a pile of interior magazines. I am having a hard time to picture my house. I called and asked the sales rep if we could keep a dog in the house. Of course I c…
















I went to my family clinic to confirm an appointment with specialist. Clinic secretary tald me that she already had sent a fax, but she didn't received an answer from the hospital. She said she would call the hospital on Monday. After that…


The first thing in this morning, I called the Morgage manager. When we buy a house, we need to get a mortgage approval before sign the documents. I got approval the last time, but price is different. I should have talked to bank first. I f…

I signed it

I left the office at 4:30 and picked up my daughter and went to the sales office again. I decided to buy that townhouse and I signed the documents. The price is much higher than my budget, but I will make it. Whole new community which incl…

found a good one

Today, after work I went to 2 sales offices for condo & houses with my daughter. First, we went to check a condominium, but that was no-pets-allowed building. We don't want to have that type of property. Then we went to see another project…


It has been raining all day. Today, we introduced our new technology and products at an exhition we run. All displays, panels and exhits were sent from US office. Also, nearly 20 members for exhition from US. I and Ms. P helped at the rece…


I like to go & see the place I have never been. I always try to check the travel informations or shops, restaurants, event informations. As we all know, I like to travel abroad, but it is not everything. I feel good driving a new route, fe…

Kite & Origami

As usual, we did a lot of housework this morning. Then I took my daughter to the clinic to see a footcare specialist. It was O.K. The doctor recommended a new medication for her. I hope it will work. After that, we visited a friend of my d…


今日は以前から行ってみようと思っていたユニオンビルのHistorical Villageに行ってみた。短い区間だが、メインストリートの左右にずらっと可愛いカントリー風のお店が並んでいた。あちこちのお店を覗き、ビーズの小さなピアスやマスコット、チョコレートな…

美容院 Studio-T












vacuum cleaner

I didn't go anywhere. Just I did housecleaning. This is my fave vacuum cleaner(Miele 4510). Since I bought this cleaner, I have been enjoying vacuuming rooms.

”Enough” & PC maintenance

Last night, I watched a movie "Enough" on TV. The story was that a mother(Jennifer Lopez) tryed hard to flee her husband's violence. She took her little daughter with her. It was very excited story. While watching movie, I did maintenance …

the first time ever in public

I would like to show you my work place. This is my desk at the office. I want to hang a painting on the wall. And this picture shows drawer's contents. it is a bonus shot.


The new "BULK BARN" is open in my neighborhood. After my daughter's treatment for her foot, we went to the shop. We bought a lot of snacks and a new bottle of whey protein. And I went to my foot clinic to ask them what's going on my orthop…


I went to the P.A.T.(Korean superette) after work. I got a lot of snacks. Japanese sweets, rice crackers, chocolate, cubic rice crackers, chewing gum etc. etc. So traffic was very heavy from P.A.T. to daycare, I was late for the time to pi…

When can I see the specialist?

I was waiting a call from my doctor. But I didn't receive it. He said "This is not a very emergency, but emergency. I'll make an appointment with specialist ASAP." Everybody say that to see a specialist takes time.