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electric code

I brought a rice cooker and a transformer from Japan and I have been using it almost everyday. But the other day, I found that the electric code of the transformer was melted and sticked on the toaster oven. It was awfully mealted. I could even see the wire which is inside of the shield in the code. I pulled it off from the toaster and tryed to fix it. The transformer was very expensive but I really needed it. I thought I could replace the code, and opened the bottom lid. But it was impossible to take out of the code. It was assembled to the mechanism. I gave up to repair it by myself and brought to my office. I asked the technician at my office to fix it. After he asked me if he cut the wire was OK. And he cut off the mealted part and reconnected it. Thank you very much! And I was lucky that it didn't catch fire.