トロント移民ライフ♪ FEEL TORONTO



2月に、1回完結のインド料理教室に申し込んでいたのですが、コロナウイルスのため、クラスは既に数回の延期になっていました。ついにクッキング教室は、感染の危険防止のため、クラスの開催がキャンセルされることに。料理教室を受講するかわりに、オリジナルのスパイスをオンラインショップから 選ぶ様に言われ、届いたのがこの山盛りのスパイスと料理本が2冊。この先長い間インド料理のクッキングが楽しめそうです。

We had booked a one time cooking class for Indian cuisine in February but due to COVID-19, cooking school already had to post pone the class a couple of times. Finally they decided to give up on holding the class to avoid risks. Instead of providing the class, they asked us to choose their original spices from the selections. I got tons of spices and recipe books. We will enjoy Indian cooking for a long time with this. (the first picture)
The second picture is the crescent moon that I shot on September 20th. I really like this mysterious light and shape.
The last picture is our beloved dog Maple! We made this box house with recycled cardboard boxes. He really likes cave-like places to stay so he is enjoying in there. 😄
