トロント移民ライフ♪ FEEL TORONTO



レイキの本に出ていたコラムが気に入ったので、ここに書いてしまおう。出典は"REIKI for DUMMIES" Nina L.Paul,PhD著。
Where Reiki can take you
If you're really ready to grow, really ready to change, and really ready to heal, Reiki can aid your progress toward wholeness. Reiki opens you up to receive the blessings of the universal life-force energy.
You may find yourself growing in ways you never imagined. Or rather, you may find yourself returning to a place of peace, feeling of love, sense of calm, and purpose of being that you forgot you ever had.
You will make some changes in your life. They may be small subtle changes, like being nice to a co-worker or letting a car pass you on the highway. You may change how you eat or what you wear. You'll notice coincidences popping up. People show up to help you, or situations change just when you need them. You're more in the flow of the universe(from receiving the universal life-force energy) or at least more aware of the flow. You trust that life will be okay, that you will be okay, and that Reiki can help you. As you continue your life's journey, you know that you can always use Reiki, on a daily basis, especially as life takes its twists and turns.
Reiki takes you to a safe place, Reiki takes you to your truth, and Reiki takes you home.