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Praying for my friend’s daughter

When we were watching Video and relaxing after dinner, the phone rang. That was my friend and she said that her daughter was in ICU at Toronto Childrens Hospital. I didn't ask the details of her daughter's condition or what happened to her. I told her "if there are something I can do, just tell me. and we pray for her." After hanging up the phone, I started worry about her. She is a single mom, and she doesn't have many relatives around here. Then we decided to go to the Hospital. At the hospital, I even don't know her family name. It was far past the hospital visiting hours. And a scale of the hospital is big. However, everybody at the hospital was very nice and helpful. I could find in which ICU she's been. I called ICU nurse station and told then I was there. We were waited for her at the waiting room. After a couple of hours, my friend and her sister showed up. She was surprised that we were there. We hugged a lot, and just be there with her. I returned home after midnight. For now, I just have to pray that she will survive.