トロント移民ライフ♪ FEEL TORONTO


My good friend, a baby pom

My friend left a message on my answering machine. She is a rental agent for a company which is doing management for buildings. The building we live is one of their property. I met her at the rental office. Since then, she is our good friend. I bought a couch, TV, a rag from her. And she is always very nice to us. But a couple months after we met, she had a bad accident and had a difficult time to recover. She took an operation to cure her rump bone. Immediately after I heard her message, I headed for her office. As soon as she noticed us, she made a big smile. Now she got a new nice office in a building close to the building we live. We shared some news each other. She made me coffee and some snacks for my daughter. We had a good time!
After that we went to a pizza shop to pick up our pizza. When we were waiting, one lady holding a baby pom(pomeranian) came into the shop. The puppy was a just cutie. We couldn't take our eyes off. Sometimes people don't like to get too much attentions, but that woman was friendly. She started explain about her dog to us. We found that she was a registered breeder for over 25 years. I asked her number, and she gave me her card. Anyway, the puppy was so cute!!