トロント移民ライフ♪ FEEL TORONTO


blood test, tofu dishes

I went to the nearby laboratory to take a blood test for the next appointment with my doctor at Mt.Sinai on Friday. The doctor gave me the signed paper for my blood test at last time I went to the hospital. I could go any labo I want. Then I got home, I cooked two kind of tofu dishes. First one was that I sauted sliced and floured tofu until golden brown. And I put those tofu in a bowl and add some grated daikon and shaved dried bonito. Then put some tsuyu for noodles on it. Another one was that I fried mashed firm tofu and bounded together with egg. Then I put some soy souce. These dishes are very easy to cook and taste good. Oh, and now I am still making something. It is black turtle bean. I don't know why but sometimes I like to cook black beans in winter.