トロント移民ライフ♪ FEEL TORONTO


changing floor plan, ”feng shui”

Speaking of house-hunt, you don't forget "feng shui". I started checking the theory of the basics of "feng shui". According to "feng shui", the townhouse unit where I am checking has some bad points. The floor plan of the bigger unit is much better from the feng shui view. But that unit has some unacceptable issues from my point of view. Oh well, "What can I do?". I didn't feel like to see the sales rep, but I had an appointment. We talked something and at the end I broke the ice. I said that I wanted to change the kitchen layout. While I was making an explanation, my daughter was laughing. Because my idea was totally insane. But he said "I will be laughing too, but I can ask the developer if they can change the plan.". Oh my, Another option came out. He also mentioned one big thing in the meeting. Some part of the floor plan can be changed without any charge. If so, I MUST make my "PERFECT" design. After came home, I copied the floor plan, cut into pieces and drew an opposite kitchen, doors etc. I am having fun to do this, but it could be a hard work.(to be continued)