トロント移民ライフ♪ FEEL TORONTO


Northern Edge Algonquin DAY:4 The last day


帰りは"South River"まで送ってもらい、そこから"Ontario Northern Rail"のバスに乗った。Dundas(トロントダウンタウン)まで約4時間。11号線を途中何度もお客のピックアップの為に乗り降りしながら、どんどん南下。その後、400に乗り換えた。ずっと道路と運転を見ていたので、今度は自分の車で行けるだろう。ただキャンプの後は疲れているので、バスで帰るというのも、なかなかいい選択なのだが。


Time went by very quickly. This was the third morning in the mountain and was also the last day. I got up a little late, someone had already made a fire, and everyone spent their time having a cup of morning coffee or getting a water from the lake for the breakfast or swimming as a polar bear. So we should leave the campsite after breakfast, I packed our spreaded sheets or sleeping bags and clothes. Then I had some French toast and salad and fruit. After breakfast, we finished packing and left the site. So today was a bit more windy than yesterday or the day before yesterday, we once stayed and waited to clear up the wind close to the shore for short time, but the weather was mostly clear and sunny. As far as I could see the water and the green forest. There were only 9 of us in that wilderness. When I first came up here, I got cold feet in front of the great nature, but I might become strong after this 4days. I portaged and had a last lunch at the place with beautiful lake scenery. We rapped some veges and dips with tortillas. Then we finally got the point where we had gotten the water at the first day. I saw the truck with canue carrier to pick us up. We took ceremonial photographs. I and my daughter and 2 others got on Kara's car as same as outward. On the way to the basecamp, my daughter had tears come in her eyes. It seemed such a great experience for her. For me, although I have been traveling many different places, but this kind of adventure was the really first. It was a hard work and that's why I could feel bear fruit. And of course, our Mother Nature was very impressive. Our outdoor instructer Kara and all other participants were all kind and great. We reached at the site and returned the equipment, and were dismissed.
For the return trip, Matt drove us to the South River, and we got on the "Ontario Northern Rail" bus. It took 4 hours to Dundas bus tarminal (downtown Toronto). The bus went south along the route-11 with getting on and off the highway to picking up their customers. And we got on 400. I had been following his driving and route, I could drive there next time. But so we are getting tired after camping, taking the bus is not a bad choice.