トロント移民ライフ♪ FEEL TORONTO


Northern Edge Algonquin DAY:2


I couldn't sleep at last night. I tryed to do many things to fall a sleep. I turned off a noisy carbon monoxide detector and a smoke detector, adjusted a head light as a room light etc. At 3:30am, I really wanted to go to the bathroom. So cabin had no bathroom, I had to walk in the dark outside to other building. I had no choice. I prepared to go out, grabbed a flash light. It was so dark. After got back from bathroom, I took a short short sleep. "The Sun also Rises", it was beautiful morning. I felt very relaxed in the morning sun. There was no worry anymore. After healthy breakfast, I finished packing for canoe trip. We left the base camp at 10 o'clock. In 30 minutes, we got the first canoe point. Oh well, this was the really first experience for me. I was surprised that my feet were soaked when I got on a canoe. We had to portage 3 times to get our campsite. Anyway, canoeing was really really great. Lunch at outside was so good. We decided the place to stay and set up tents. At night we howled to wolves on the other side of the lake. I am having a splendid time.