トロント移民ライフ♪ FEEL TORONTO


odds and ends

I had many tiresome things to do today. I called my insurance broker to confirm a tenant insurance for the next year. After I sent a required document, they didn't take any action. Then, I wanted to make sure if my daughter got her spot on the summer camp we applied for. They called me once about a couple weeks ago, and told me they would call me back. But I havn't got any calls yet. So I didn't get anyone on the phone today, I just left a message. Then, I had to ask a mail-order company about our package delivery status. We ordered one item from them about 3 weeks ago. The package is supposed to be our place in 7 days. And they said their record said the package had already received by customer, but I didn't. Finally, they said they would send a new one for us. Then, I had to go to a bank to diposit. Then, I had to make a reschedule for my daughter's dentist appointment instead of yesterday's. How many "Then," did I use so far?