トロント移民ライフ♪ FEEL TORONTO


My server account was expired.

I tried to send an email to home on the lunch break, but I received a failure notice. "Is there anything wrong with my account?" I checked my website. I couldn't open FEELTORONTO.com. Oh, I knew it, I should have told the server company my new credit card information. Soon I called them, one of their representative told me "Your account was expired yesterday." Oh,no. Why didn't they contact me before expiration date? Anyway, it was my fault. To change those information, they asked the last 4 digits of my old credit card number, but I didn't have with me. They just need any identification from me. I scanned my driver's licence and my new credit card ,made PDF files and sent it to them. Finally, my site got back to normal. Case closed.